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Yahrzeit, Bereavement, & Mazel Tov Cards; Chumash, Siddur, Tehillim, Machzor Donations IMO, IHO

This is your opportunity to purchase Yahrzeit or Bereavement cards IMO, or Mazel Tov cards IHO of someone. You may also donate a Chumash, Siddur, Tehillim, or Machzor to Shaare Tefilla, IMO or IHO someone. Please make your donation to the Shaare Charitable Fund by completing this form.

(IMPORTANT! Please be sure to include names and details in the notes section. If you are unsure, please include as much information as possible and the office will follow up.)

This is a formal sympathy card mailed to the home address of your named recipient in memory of someone who died. The card will indicate you have donated to the Shaare Tefilla Charitable Fund, but does not mention the donation amount. The front of the card is the Shaare Tefilla logo. 
(IMPORTANT! Please be sure to include names and details in the notes section. If you are unsure, please include as much information as possible and the office will follow up.)
This is a formal greeting card mailed to the home address of your named recipient in honor of someone. The card will indicate you have donated to the Shaare Tefilla Charitable Fund, but does not mention the donation amount. The front of the card is the Shaare Tefilla logo. 
(IMPORTANT! Please be sure to include names and details in the notes section. If you are unsure, please include as much information as possible and the office will follow up.)

This is a an opportunity to donate a Chumash(im) to Shaare Tefilla in someone's name, either for a Yahrzeit, (In memory of), or a Mazel Tov celebration, (In honor of). A bookplate will be afixed to the front inside cover of the Chumash(im). You may request we notify specific people of your donation. 
(IMPORTANT! Please be sure to include names and details in the notes section. If you are unsure, please include as much information as possible and the office will follow up.)
This is a an opportunity to donate a Siddur(im) to Shaare Tefilla in someone's name, either for a Yahrzeit, (In memory of), or a Mazel Tov celebration, (In honor of). A bookplate will be afixed to the front inside cover of the Siddur(im). You may request we notify specific people of your donation. 
(IMPORTANT! Please be sure to include names and details in the notes section. If you are unsure, please include as much information as possible and the office will follow up.
This is a an opportunity to donate one or more Books of Tehillim to Shaare Tefilla in someone's name, either for a yahrzeit, (In memory of), or a Mazel Tov celebration, (In honor of). A bookplate will be affixed to the front inside cover of Book of Tehillim. You may request we notify specific people of your donation. 
(IMPORTANT! Please be sure to include names and details in the notes section. If you are unsure, please include as much information as possible and the office will follow up.
This is a an opportunity to donate a Machzor(im) to Shaare Tefilla in someone's name, either for a Yahrzeit, (In memory of), or a Mazel Tov celebration, (In honor of). A bookplate will be afixed to the front inside cover of the Machzor(im). You may request we notify specific people of your donation. 
(IMPORTANT! Please be sure to include names and details in the notes section. If you are unsure, please include as much information as possible and the office will follow up.)
Sat, March 8 2025 8 Adar 5785